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More than 40 students — representing nearly every course of study across the university’s College of Business, College of Arts and Sciences, and School of Health and Behavioral Sciences — completed honors thesis projects this year, exploring diverse topics from NBA contracts to Environmental, Social, and Governance policy to financial service business models.
From AI to the NBA, Bryant honors students offer new insights through thesis projects
Jul 28, 2023, by Stephen Kostrzewa

Monetary policy. AI’s impact on cybersecurity. The effects of single-use and fabric facemasks on the environment. Through the Honors Thesis, the seniors in Bryant University’s Honors Program draw upon four years of transformational learning to analyze important topics that matter both to them and to the wider world.

Guided by faculty mentors, high-achieving students conduct a comprehensive, high-level research project on a subject of their choosing. Along the way, they hone important research, critical thinking, project management, and presentation skills. "The Honors Thesis challenges students to conduct rigorous research," says Laura Beaudin, director of the Bryant Honors Program and Associate Professor of Economics. "Each student explores a unique topic of their own interest and prepares them for diverse careers and graduate school opportunities beyond Bryant."

This past academic year, more than 40 students — representing nearly every course of study across the university’s College of Business, College of Arts and Sciences, and School of Health and Behavioral Sciences — completed Honors Thesis projects.

More than a teaching tool, the Honors Thesis allows students to make important contributions to their fields of study and sets them apart as they begin their professional careers. This year, Jack Field ’23 saw his thesis work published in the Journal of Capital Markets Studies and Jacob Michaud ’23 has had his honors thesis, "Detecting COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media," accepted for publication at the 63rd annual International Association for Computer Information Systems (IACIS) Conference.

The Bryant honors thesis projects for 2023 are listed below:

Jake Barlow '23: “Economic Growth and Cultural Attitudes Towards Women: An Empirical Investigation” 
Faculty Advisor: Lecturer of Economics Allison Kaminaga
Editorial Reviewer: Associate Professor of Economics Xiaofei Pan

Ryan Bebyn '23: “Match Results and the Equity Value of Publicly Traded Soccer Teams”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Mathematics Jim Bishop
Editorial Reviewer: Lecturer of Finance Kevin Maloney

Zachary Bertolino '23: “Raise the Bar:  A Study of Motivation and Locus of Control in Relation Exercise Adherence”
Faculty Advisor: Trustee Professor of Management Michael Roberto
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of Marketing Sukki Yoon

Valerie Blanchard '23: “How the Perceived Value of Education, Parental Influences, and Students' Perceived Success Affect Post-Graduate Decisions”
Faculty Advisor: Associate Professor of Mathematics Alicia Lamere
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of Psychology Allison Butler

Jake Cardines '23: “Electric Vehicle Uptake: What Factors are Motivating the Shift for College-Aged and Older Groups?”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Mathematics Dr. Rick Gorvett
Editorial Reviewer: Director of Library Services Laura Kohl

Holly Chadwick '23: “Supervisor Gender, Culture and Employee Creativity: The Mediating Role of Interaction Frequency”
Faculty Advisor: Assistant Professor of Management R. Isil Yavuz
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of Management Crystal Jiang

Ethan Cohen '23: “Achievement Motivation and Body Competence as Predictors for Nonhypnotic Suggestibility”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Psychology Joseph Trunzo
Editorial Reviewer: Associate Professor of Psychology Heather Pond Lacey

Matthew Cook '23: “More Than Just a Game? The Impact of Athletic Team Performances of Advertisement Appeal”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Marketing Sukki Yoon
Editorial Reviewer: Associate Professor of Communication Kristen Berkos

Katherine D'Ordine '23: “HIPAA vs. Medical Research: Improving Patient Care Through Integration of Data Privacy and Data Access”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Information Systems and Analytics Suhong Li
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of Psychology Joseph Trunzo

Hannah Dreska '23: “The Impact of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Fashion Industry”
Faculty Advisor: Assistant Professor of Finance Leila Zbib
Editorial Reviewer: Lecturer of Finance Jeffrey Koplik

Samantha Eastman '23: “How Understanding History Through Historical Fiction Affects Gender Relations”
Faculty Advisor: Lecturer of English and Cultural Studies Jennifer Horan
Editorial Reviewer: Lecturer of History and Social Sciences Jeremy Pearson

Olivia Emond '23: “Women in the Construction Industry”
Faculty Advisor: Lecturer of Management Robert Massoud
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of Management Beth Carter

Ryan Erickson '23: “The Interaction Between Spending Policies and Asset Allocation for College and University Endowments”
Faculty Advisor: Lecturer of Finance Kevin Maloney
Editorial Reviewer: Associate Professor of Mathematics Gao Niu

Jack Field '23: “Risk Translation: How Cryptocurrency Impacts Company Risk, Beta, and Returns”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Finance A. Can Inci
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of Finance Hakan Saraoglu

RELATED STORY: Student research puzzles out cryptocurrency risk by comparing investment strategies

Andrew Hinckley '23: “The Modern Executive Order’s Ability to Address Civil Rights Impacted by Supreme Court Decisions”
Faculty Advisors: Associate Professor of History and Social Sciences Richard Holtzman, Lecturer of History and Social Sciences Ilisabeth Bornstein
Editorial Reviewer: Lecturer of Economics Allison Kaminaga

Janelle Isaacs '23: “Gender Roles and How They Promote Rape Culture”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Psychology Ronald Deluga
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of English and Cultural Studies Thomas Roach

Dana Jurgielewicz '23: “The Effects of Cloth and Surgical Masks on the Environment”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Biological and Biomedical Sciences Brian Blais
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of Marketing Michael Gravier

Han Lambert '23: “The Recipe for Success: How Local Massachusetts and Rhode Island Restaurants Navigated and Survived COVID Restrictions”
Faculty Advisor: Associate Professor of History and Social Sciences Katayoun Alidadi
Editorial Reviewer: Senior Lecture of Management Adam Rubin

Alex Leduc '23: “BSI: Becoming a Sustainable Investor: An Analysis of ESG Scores and How to Incorporate Them into Investing Strategies”
Faculty Advisor: Assistant Professor of Finance Leila Zbib
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of Finance Asli Ascioglu

Aidan MacSweeney '23: “ScAmazon?: Antitrust Concerns in an Incorporated E-Commerce Marketplace”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Accounting Charles Cullinan
Editorial Reviewer: Lecturer of Accounting Jennifer Mier

Emily Magri '23: “Experience Abroad and its Implications on Cultural Empathy, Food, Ambiguity, and Language”
Faculty Advisor: Senior Lecturer of Modern Language Patricia Gomez
Editorial Reviewer: Associate Professor of Modern Language Cedric Oliva

Morgan Marckres '23: “Female Politicians and the way that Gender Stereotypes and the Male-Dominated Power Structure Influence the way they Run their Campaigns”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of English and Cultural Studies Tom Roach
Editorial Reviewer: Associate Professor of History and Social Sciences Richard Holtzman

Gabriela Martin '23: “Stories and Selling: The Impact of Narrative Storytelling in Video Commercials”
Faculty Advisor: Associate Professor of Communication Julie Volkman
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of English and Cultural Studies Theresa Hasseler

Olivia Martucci '23: “The Role of Legal Studies in Undergraduate Business Curricula and its Impact on Students’ Problem-Solving Skills”
Faculty Advisor: Lecturer of History and Social Sciences Ilisabeth Bornstein
Editorial Reviewer: Lecturer of Management Robert Massoud

David McCain '23: “Defining Characteristics that Lead to Cost-Efficient Veteran NBA Free Agent Signings”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Mathematics Dr. Rick Gorvett
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of Mathematics Jim Bishop

Caitlin McGrath '23: “CPA Exam Evolution 2024: How Accounting Students are Impacted in the University Curriculum and in the Industry”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Accounting Saeed Roohani
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of Accounting Charles Cullinan

Meghan McDonald '23: “The Influence of Alcohol-Related Advertisements on College Students' Behaviors and Depression”
Faculty Advisor: Associate Professor of Communications Julie Volkman
Editorial Reviewer: Stephanie Carter. Director of Bryant’s Academic Center for Excellence

Julia McLaughlin '23: “Are All Body Sizes Beautiful? A Content Analysis of Plus-Size Representation in Fashion Brands
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Marketing Sukki Yoon
Editorial Reviewer: Associate Professor of Marketing Kacy Kim

Jason Michaud '23: “Detecting COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Information Systems and Analytics Suhong Li
Editorial Reviewer: Associate Professor of Mathematics Gao Niu  

Megan Polun '23: “Woman, Queer, Jewish: The Sociopolitical Importance and Impact of Identity Labels”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Information Systems and Analytics Suhong Li
Editorial Reviewer: Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Analytics Tingting Zhao

David Poretsky '23: “The Discriminatory Effects of Monetary Policy Among Different Labor Market Demographics”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of English and Cultural Studies Tom Roach
Editorial Reviewer: Director of Campus Ministry Rabbi Steve Jablow

David Roundy '23: “The Buck Stops Somewhere: An Analysis of Global Governmental Responses to COVID-19”
Faculty Advisor: Associate Professor of History and Social Sciences Nicole Freiner
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of History and Social Sciences Andrea Boggio

Julia Shaw '23: “The Role that Exercise Plays on Hormones, Leadership Effectiveness and Job Engagement”
Faculty Advisor: Assistant Professor of Management Kathryn Ostermeier
Editorial Reviewer: Director of Library Services Laura Kohl

Lindsey Shearstone '23: “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Cybersecurity Industry”
Faculty Advisors: Lecturer of Information Systems and Analytics Francis Varin, Associate Professor of Mathematics Alicia Lamere
Editorial Reviewer: Lecturer of Information Systems and Analytics Michelle Varin

Darnel Shillingford '23: “Effectively Influencing Personal Financial Management and Financial Preparedness Among Athletes”
Faculty Advisor: Lecturer of Finance John Fellingham
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of Finance Hakan Saraoglu  

Matthew Silvia '23: "Changing NFL Playoff Overtime Rules to Create Equal Opportunities to Win a Game”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Mathematics Rick Gorvett
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of Mathematics John Quinn

Jacob Slide '23: “Challenging Perceptions: Exploring Actual vs. Perceived Inter and Intra Generational Differences in Values Placed on Work-Related Concepts Conducted During COVID-19”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Management Michael Roberto
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of Management Lori Coakley

Lucy Smith '23: “How do Grocery Stores Utilize Centralized Versus Decentralized Production to Compete in the Power Perimeter?”
Faculty Advisor: Associate Professor of Marketing Teresa McCarthy
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of Management John Visich

Darren Stanton '23: “The Discriminatory Effects of Monetary Policy Among Different Labor Market Demographics”
Faculty Advisor: Lecturer of Economics Allison Kaminaga
Editorial Reviewer: Associate Professor of Economics Laura Beaudin

William Stearns '23: “A Review of the Effect of ESG On ‘Sin’ Firms”
Faculty Advisor: Assistant Professor of Finance Sonal Kumar
Editorial Reviewer: Assistant Professor of Finance Leila Zbib

Marissa Stern '23: “The Impact of Doctor-Patient Communication, Health Literacy, and Mental Health among Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Healthcare Usage”
Faculty Advisor: Associate Professor of Communication Julie Volkman
Editorial Reviewer: Associate Professor of Mathematics Alicia Lamere

Peter Sullivan '23: “The Impact of Virtual Reality on the Healthcare Industry”
Faculty Advisor: Lecturer of Information Systems and Analytics Francis Varin
Editorial Reviewers:  Professor of information Systems and Analytics Abhijit Chaudhury, Lecturer of History and Social Sciences Kathleen Daly

Megan Swenson '23: “There’s No Business Like Show Business: Analyzing the Factors of Broadway Shows that Have the Most Influence over the Theatre Industry’s Recovery from the COVID-19 Shutdown”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Accounting Charles Cullinan
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of English and Cultural Studies Amber Day

Jack Tishkevich  '23: “Advertising to Reduce Public Stigma and Its Associated Consequences for Medical Marijuana Patients”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Marketing Sukki Yoon
Editorial Reviewer: Associate Professor. of Marketing Kacy Kim

Arana Torres '23: “An Analysis of the Direct Effect of Siestas on Local and Multinational Companies in Spain”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Management
Editorial Reviewer: Prof. Patricia Gomez, Senior Lecturer of Modern Language

Jilian Ulicki '23: “The Impacts of Exercising with External Versus Internal Motives on College Students' Mental Health”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Psychology Ron Deluga
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of Psychology Joseph Trunzo

Laura Urgal Saracho '23: “The Future of the Workforce Depends on Generation Z: A Study on Generational Workforce Preferences”
Faculty Advisor: Assistant Professor of Management Kathryn Ostermeier
Editorial Reviewer: Lecturer of Management Valerie Leduc

Taylor Vahey '23: “Understanding the Business Model of Content Creation”
Faculty Advisor: Prof. Dana Nolfe, Adjunct Professor of Communication
Editorial Reviewer: Dr. Michael Roberto, Professor of Management

Talia Vicente '23: “Environmental Effects of Fast Fashion:  A Study on How Increased Knowledge May Affect Buying Behavior of Bryant Students”
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Emily Copeland, Senior Lecturer of History and Social Sciences
Editorial Reviewer: Nicole Freiner, Associate Professor of History and Social Sciences

Courtney Wegrzyn '23: “The Feminization of Human Resources and How It Affects Women’s Careers”
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Management Diya Das
Editorial Reviewer: Lecturer of Management Valerie Leduc

Thomas Williams '23: “Special Needs Financial Planning Case Studies:  Evaluation of Three Financial Services Business Models’ Approaches to Client Needs” 
Faculty Advisor: Lecturer of Finance Maura Dowling,  
Editorial Reviewer: Adjunct Professor of Finance Ray Grigelevich  

Kai-Jia Yue '23: “How Infectious is Your Twitter Feed? Disease Modeling Applied to the Dynamics of Twitter” 
Faculty Advisor: Professor of Biological and Biomedical Sciences Brian Blais 
Editorial Reviewer: Professor of Information Systems and Analytics Suhong Li 

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