Bryant student Alana Perkins playing on the University's Women's Basketball team.
Biology major Alana Perkins ’23 is gaining the skills and building the network she needs for post-graduation success. Her Bryant "team" gives her the support she needs to reach new heights.
Belonging at Bryant: Meet Alana Perkins '23
Feb 02, 2022, by Staff Writer

Alana Perkins ’23 is a Biology major on the Pre-Health Track concentrating in Psychology. “I’ve always loved science and I’ve known since I was very young that I wanted to be a part of the health care industry,” says Alana, who plans on attending dental school after she graduates from Bryant.

Courses like Anatomy and Physiology and Health Psychology are teaching her how to treat the whole patient, both physically and mentally. “It’s important to help the people around us and provide the care they need,” she says. A Human Resource Management minor is helping her learn how to work with people as a member of a high-functioning team.

Alana plays guard on Bryant’s Division I women’s basketball team, which, she says, is a great complement to her classroom studies. “Sports prepares you for life by helping you build your communication, leadership and time management skills”– all of which are important for a health care professional, she notes.

“Bryant sets you up for success with all the different opportunities they provide and the networking tools you need to get your future going.”

She’s worked hard to earn her place on the team. “I didn't even start playing basketball until I was 11, but I knew right away I had a passion for it,” says Alana. “I realized that this was the only sport I wanted to play so I have stuck with it ever since.” That’s her advice for her fellow students: “Pursue your dreams even if they seem too big. Anything can be achieved as long as you put the work and effort in.”

It also helps to have a great team around you–both on and off the court, Alana points out. “You need to surround yourself with people who believe in you because it is super important to have a great support system to stay focused and on track,” she states. “My favorite thing about Bryant is the close-knit community that we have. You can get to know your professors on a personal level and receive a lot of one-on-one attention. I’ve also built close relationships with friends here that will last a lifetime.”

“Bryant sets you up for success with all the different opportunities they provide and the networking tools you need to get your future going,” Alana says.

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