Kirsten Hokeness - USA Today
In an interview with USA Today, Kirsten Hokeness, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of Science and Technology at Bryant, responds to the latest CDC data on vaccine efficacy.
Bryant immunology expert Kirsten Hokeness responds to CDC data on vaccine efficacy
Oct 22, 2021, by Staff Writer


Kirsten Hokeness, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of Science and Technology at Bryant University, is a regular contributor to top national media including NBC News, USA Today, Forbes, Reuters, Huffington Post, Boston Globe,, and, for her expertise in immunology and virology.

Her comments were featured in the USA Today article, “‘A modern miracle’: Experts marvel at CDC Data…” on Oct. 22. According to the article, the CDC released data last week showing fully vaccinated individuals make up less than 1% of the COVID-19-related deaths in the United States. “Scientists expected the vaccines to be less effective in the real world, but real-world data indicated they weren’t far off from what the clinical trials found,” said Hokeness.

“It’s very surprising that it works so well across the board," she continued. "We’re seeing consistent efficacy in different age groups, genders, ethnicities … for whatever reason, all the cards fell together.”

“The odds were stacked against it, but it still prevailed,” said Hokeness.

Read the full article here>>>

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About Professor Hokeness

Kirsten Hokeness, Ph.D., is Professor and Chair of the Department of Science and Technology at Bryant University and Director of the Center for Health and Behavioral Sciences (CHBS). As an expert in immunology, virology, microbiology, and human health and disease, Professor Hokeness regularly contributes to top national media including NBC News, USA Today, Forbes, Reuters, Huffington Post, Boston Globe,, and She earned her Ph.D. at Brown University and her bachelor’s degree at the University of New Hampshire.

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