Students graduating
Challenge grant supports and promotes Bryant's growing School of Health Sciences
Mar 31, 2017, by Staff Writer

Last week, Bryant celebrated its newest alumni as the School of Health Sciences graduated its first class of Physician Assistants (PAs). After receiving their Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies diplomas, the newly certified health care providers took the “Physician Assistant Oath,” pledging to “hold as my primary responsibility the health, safety, welfare, and dignity of all human beings.” Since its inception in 2014, the Bryant PA program has grown by 50 percent, and philanthropy is helping the University build on efforts to integrate this clinical side of health care with Bryant’s core strength in business education.

Balancing mission-driven organizational goals with expert management skills and financial acumen in health care has never been so crucial. This is why the Warren Alpert Foundation partnering with the University through a $2.5 million challenge grant is both timely and impactful.

“Professionals who speak the languages of business and medicine can close the knowledge gap between financial management and health services,” says Dave Wegrzyn ’86, Vice President for University Advancement.

Adds Glenn M. Sulmasy, J.D., L.L.M., Provost and Chief Academic Officer, “Data analytics, strategic planning, and operational best practices will create a more cost-effective and efficient process and facilitate communication between doctors, administrators, and patients.”


“Partnering with the Warren Alpert Foundation to advance the School of Health Science will dramatically expand our academic offerings and provide new opportunities for health care professionals to better work within a dynamic and often complex industry,” says Sulmasy.

“The challenge grant presents a unique opportunity for alumni, parents, and friends who want to make a difference at Bryant,” says Wegrzyn. “Every gift coming in to Bryant through June 30 will be matched by the Warren Alpert Foundation, effectively doubling it.”

Donors will play a foundational role during the program development phase, as the University designs innovative classes, connects with industry leaders, and acquires essential course materials, he adds.

“Diversification of the academic programs being offered by Bryant University is of interest to us, but only if the added programs make sense in the master plan. And these health care programs do,” say Clifford and Kim Garnett P'13, parents of Brooke ’13, who were recognized as Bryant Champions for Philanthropy in 2012. “With delivery of high quality health care continuing to be a major challenge in society today, programs that advance services to patients and providers while reducing costs to both deserves our attention.

Bryant’s goal is to provide the marketplace with well-trained professionals who are innovative leaders in the field, and launching this new enterprise requires capital. The recent addition of the School of Health Sciences with Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies is further evidence of the progressive thinking of Bryant University and President Ronald K. Machtley. There is no better place to make an investment, in our opinion.”

"There is no better place [than Bryant]  to make an investment, in our opinion.”

Clifford and Kim Garnett P'13


Health care represents 17.5 percent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) with anticipated growth of 5.8 percent a year through 2025. Georgetown University’s Center of Education and Workforce estimates that the sector will add an additional 5.6 million jobs in the next six years.

Increasing demands for high-quality care at manageable costs drive the need for businesses and practitioners to think and operate innovatively.

Bryant’s School of Health Sciences will prepare students to address these imminent issues and emerging needs by educating future leaders and innovators in an industry that continues to evolve and change.

The matching gift challenge is part of Bryant’s historic capital campaign, Expanding  the World  of  Opportunity: The Campaign for Bryant’s Bold  Future,  which has raised more than $68 million toward the campaign’s $75 million goal.


Bryant alumni have been distinguished leaders in the health care sector for decades, paving the way for the University to establish the School of Health Sciences in 2014 with the launch of its first clinical program, the Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (MSPAS). Peter Fos, D.D.S., Ph.D. in Health Care Decision Analysis, M.P.H. in Health Systems Management, and David Fine, Master of Hospital Administration, both long-time, respected health care industry executives, have joined Bryant’s administration and faculty to help develop an integrated best-in-class curriculum.

As Bryant’s School of Health Sciences continues to grow, the University will expand its role as a resource for leaders in health care management, physicians and other health care providers, hospitals, and health care delivery systems on how best to anticipate and address changing dynamics in the practice of medicine.

  The innovative health care leadership program will anticipate the future of health care, integrating emerging trends with best practices, featuring:

  • Distinguished faculty in business and medicine
  • Hybrid online coursework
  • Immersive learning opportunities at health care organizations
  • A capstone practicum handling real-world challenges in health care administration


Recognizing these marketplace drivers and trends, Bryant University President Ronald K. Machtley identified health sciences as an important growth area for the University in its strategic plan, Vision 2020.

“For more than 153 years, Bryant has been at the forefront of delivering exceptional education that anticipates the future and the needs of students in a changing world,” said President Machtley. “Health care sits at the heart of the U.S. economy, and as a leading University with a strategic focus on business, Bryant is boldly positioning the School of Health Sciences programs to prepare innovative leaders for the future of our health care system.”


Alumni are encouraged to make a Warren Alpert Foundation matching gift. Please contact Ed Magro, J.D., at (877) 353-5667 or email for details.

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