Faculty Awards
Bryant University recognized faculty accomplishments during its Annual Faculty Awards ceremony.
Faculty awarded for teaching, research and service
Aug 17, 2021, by Denise Kelley

During its annual Faculty Awards ceremony, Bryant University recognized its 2021 faculty award winners for excellence in teaching, scholarship and service. The honorees were presented with a plaque and monetary award with a reception that followed.

“Our faculty are energized to contribute to Bryant’s mission to educate and inspire students to discover their passion and become innovative leaders with character around the world,” says Associate Provost Wendy Samter, Ph.D. “We’re proud to highlight and award their exemplary accomplishments in teaching, research and service.”

Here’s the list of honorees and why their nominators say their awards were richly deserved:

College of Arts and Sciences

Katayoun Alidadi, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Legal Studies – Research and Publication

A scholar who specializes in comparative law, human rights and the intersections of law and religion, Alidadi last year authored several book chapters in high profile scholarly volumes and produced two articles that appeared in very well-respected academic journals. She was also invited to speak as a guest expert at Harvard Law School, the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology and others. Nominating colleagues said about her research, “her work is the poster for trying to make the world better for others.”

Allison Butler, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology – Excellence in Teaching

Whether it is directing a workshop at Bryant’s Center for Teaching Excellence or developing an engaging and interdisciplinary new course for students or being the dynamic leader of the IDEA Program, Butler’s dedication, enthusiasm and talent as an educator are evident both inside and outside the classroom. Her colleagues and students alike laud her skill and prowess in teaching—one student said, “her greatest strength is making students meet their full potential.” 

Alicia Lamere, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics – Outstanding Service

Known as “a tireless contributor,” Lamere over the last year served on the Search Committee for the new Dean of Arts and Sciences, organized a multi-university DataFest event sponsored by the American Statistical Association, served as faculty advisor for the Applied Math and Stats Association and more. “Beyond the sheer number of activities in which she is involved, she is also so effective in these roles,” say colleagues.

College of Business

Stefanie Boyer, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing – Outstanding Service

Boyer’s relationship-building with external professional partners and efforts to build and support a strong Sales program represent a singular achievement. Among her activities, Boyer annually oversees the Northeast Intercollegiate Sales Competition as well as RNMKRS, a first-of-its-kind artificial intelligence sales-customer experience and global academic competition she co-founded. “Indeed, her service contributes to the greater profession of Sales at this institution as well as beyond,” say her award nominators.

Peter Nigro, Ph.D., Professor of Finance – Excellence in Teaching

Nigro, colleagues say, has perfected the ability to balance rigor with an engaging and enjoyable classroom experience. He draws on his extensive experience in the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) to prepare students for professional careers in banking and other financial sectors, including for positions at the OCC. “He has been a highly effective mentor to hundreds of students over the years. He is always thinking about ways to help our students achieve their career aspirations,” say his nominators.

Kathryn Ostermeier, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Management – Research and Publication

Over the past year, Ostermeier had four publications in highly ranked outlets, including her timely study focusing on the well-being of health workers during the pandemic (“When helping hurts: COVID-19 critical incident involvement and resource depletion in health care workers”), which found that when a health care worker is highly prosocial, they experience more negative psychological outcomes. The study was published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, which is regarded as a premier outlet (impact factor 5.85).

Srdan Zdravkovic, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing – Riveros International Business Excellence in Faculty Research Award

Among several of Zdravkovic’s impressive publications in the last year in the field of international marketing is an article he published in the Journal of Business Research, a leading journal in management and marketing. In the paper “Vicarious Animosity: Taking Sides on Provocative Issues,” he and his co-authors introduce the concept of vicarious animosity, or a type of consumer antagonism related to a country's geopolitical conflicts. The concept, the researchers say, could have “important theoretical implications for understanding consumer animosity and managerial implications for the managers of brands from countries involved in geopolitical conflicts.”

Mentor of the Year Award

Mark Vozella, M.S., Lecturer of Management

As coordinator of the core course Global Foundations of Organizations and Business, Vozella plays an important role for faculty members across the University, from the College of Business to the College of Arts and Sciences, while providing guidance and support for colleagues and students. A colleague offered this praise: “Mark has helped shape the instructor that I am, and I am grateful for his guidance. It comes as no surprise that when his students enter my classes, they are filled with praise for him as well.”  

Faculty Federation Distinguished Faculty Award

John Dietrich, Ph.D., Department Chair and Professor of History and Social Sciences

Over the course of his career, Dietrich has made numerous contributions with his research, teaching and service. His research focuses on U.S. foreign policy, human rights and some domestic U.S. politics. He teaches political science focusing on international politics and the courses Global Foundations of Character and Leadership, Intro to Global Politics, U.S. Foreign Policy, International Relations and International Ethics. For service, he is currently Chair of History and Social Sciences Department and has served on many University Committees. 

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