Bryant Career Fair
Bryant's Fall Career and Internship Fair introduce students to 100 recruiting organizations across a wide range of fields and aided them in testing their professional development skills.
Fall Career and Internship Fair provides important connections and professional development experience
Oct 04, 2022, by Staff Writer

More than 700 students attended Bryant University’s Fall Career and Internship Fair, connecting with 100 companies and organizations across a wide range of industries. Organized by Bryant’s Amica Center for Career Education and open to students of all majors and class years, the event, one of two Amica holds each year, helped the University’s students learn more about positions and opportunities that will help them secure bright futures.

In addition to providing a valuable networking and career education resource, the Fair also aided students in testing their professional development skills and provided a key experiential learning opportunity. “The keys to a successful Career and Internship Fair experience are preparation and follow-up,” notes Kevin Gaw, Executive Director of the Amica Center. “The Career and Internship Fair is an excellent opportunity for students to practice presenting themselves professionally to a potential employer, showcasing their communication skills, and forming relationships that will lead to professional success.”

Ready to excel
At Bryant University, students receive assistance with every step of their career search process, from choosing a major to finding internships to landing their first job. The Amica Center empowers students to create their own paths to personal and professional success by working with them to develop a four-year plan where they create a strong career development foundation.

It’s an approach that works. Ninety-nine percent of Bryant graduates are employed or enrolled in graduate school within six months of graduation and their median starting salary is $64K. Knowing the value of a Bryant education, and that Bryant graduates are ready in the real-world from day one, more than 300 companies take part in Bryant’s extensive job-recruiting program. 

Preparing for opportunities
The Career Fair afforded Bryant students the opportunity to learn more about the opportunities open to them and the jobs and industries that appeal to them. By speaking with the recruiters from the 100 organizations in attendance, they gained new insights insights into their potential futures by drawing on the representative's direct experience.

To help them make the most of the experience, the Center offers students a variety of ways to get ready for the fair. In addition to providing one-on-one guidance from the Amica Center’s dedicated Career Coaches, the Amica Center offers career assessments and other self-examination exercises that can help students discover their passion. Students can also research the companies recruiting at the fair ahead of time through the Bryant Career Connection (powered by the Handshake online platform)—the University’s online career management system. Through the Bryant Career Connection, students are also able to research  thousands of other curated internship and career opportunities.

Amica Center programming helps students practice their skills and put their best foot forward. Résumé Rallies provide opportunities for them to have their resumes examined by a wide range of leading companies. Workshops on subjects like the Art of Networking aid them in learning how to present themselves professionally and pursue meaningful connections. LinkedIn Photobooth sessions ensure that they have the perfect headshot. 

Beyond the Career and Internship Fair, The Amica Center provides a wealth of other ways to connect with opportunities. The EXPLORE program offers in-person tours and networking sessions with regional employers. During the annual Walk Down Wall Street event, students visit actual finance firms for an inside-look at the profession, network with Bryant alumni in finance field and attend keynote sessions led by industry experts. Job shadowing arrangements match students with alumni so that they can experience, first-hand, what a day on the job might be like for a given career.

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