Bryant student discusses career options with career coach.
Bryant’s Amica Center for Career Education is just one of the many available resources on campus. Whether you’re deciding on a major or preparing for a job interview, career counselors can assist at every stage of your academic career.
Students: Prioritize yourself in the new year by taking advantage of campus resources
Jan 09, 2024, by Emma Bartlett

Everyday tasks demand our attention and cause the weeks and months to blur together. With the closing of one year and the beginning of another, take a moment to consider Bryant’s resources to help you prioritize your personal and professional goals in 2024.

I want to…

Stay active: A quick sweat sesh to your daily routine can improve your mood, boost energy, and promote better sleep, according to the Mayo Clinic. Whether you’re looking to go for a swim, take a spin or yoga class, shoot hoops in the MAC, or weight train with friends, Bryant’s Chace Wellness and Fitness Center offers a variety of workout options for students, faculty, and staff. Hours of operation for these recreational facilities can be found here.

Improve my mental health: If you need a safe space to discuss personal or academic challenges, Bryant’s Counseling Services is happy to help. According to a Healthy Minds Study, more than 60 percent of college students met the criteria for at least one mental health concern during the 2020-2021 school year. Counseling Services provides free, confidential sessions Monday through Friday as well as a Student Support Network for peer-to-peer guidance. The office also has two certified pet assisted therapy dogs, Luna and Mr. Cleo, who help students.

RELATED ARTICLE: How Bryant's counseling center helps students learn and thrive in the wake of the pandemic 

Increase campus connections: It’s the people who make the place. Joining one of Bryant’s 110+ student organizations can help you engage with the community and forge lifelong connections with those who share similar interests.

Bryant's Bottom Line singing group.
Connect with other students on campus by joining one of Bryant's 110+ student organizations.

Strengthen my studying/writing skills: Discovering which learning and studying strategies work best for you can significantly enhance your education. Through Bryant’s Academic Center for Excellence, students can meet one-on-one with learning specialists, attend group workshops on study skill development, and more. If you’re in need of writing assistance, the university's Writing Center helps students build strong thesis statements, jumpstart their writing projects, and learn to be concise.

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Become a research whiz: To better navigate the research process and feel confident in getting the answers you need, schedule a one-on-one meeting with a research librarian from the Douglas and Judith Krupp Library. Several sessions on basic research principles and information concepts, source evaluation, search strategies, and citing sources will leave you researching like a pro.

Establish professional goals: Whether you’re deciding on a major, seeking tips for a successful internship, or preparing for a job interview, Bryant’s Amica Center for Career Education can assist at every stage of your academic career. It’s never too early to visit the center; its career coaches work with students from the start of college up to five years after graduation.

Celebrate diversity and inclusion: If you’re looking to celebrate diversity and inclusion, check out the PwC Center for Diversity and Inclusion, which comprises the Intercultural Center, Gertrude Meth Hochberg Women’s Center, and Pride Center. The three work to create spaces for belonging at Bryant through education, outreach, and advocacy.

RELATED ARTICLE: Love wins as Bryant Pride celebrates more than three decades of community

Explore spirituality: The Ronald K. and Kati C. Machtley Interfaith Center provides the opportunity to explore the spiritual dimension of your life. The center holds a number of interfaith celebrations throughout the year and has Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, and Protestant ministries available.

Woman lights vigil candle.
Bryant's Interfaith Center has a variety of ministries available for students.

Make healthier food choices: If you’re looking to navigate your nutritional needs in the dining hall or determine what meals to make in your townhouse kitchen, Health and Nutrition Educator Cheryl Brock, RD, LDN, has you covered. Brock regularly meets one-on-one with students to assist them in answering nutrition-based questions and achieving specific goals; you can regularly find her hosting nutrition education sessions, group sessions, and tabling events throughout the year.

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