Bryant archway in spring
A year post-Commencement, 2023 grads showcase career outcomes in action
May 08, 2024, by Emma Bartlett and Stephen Kostrzewa

Bryant's Class of 2023 earned the strongest outcomes in institutional history, with the newest alums reporting a median annual salary of $72,500 within the first six months post-Commencement. Additionally, 99 percent of the class were either employed or in graduate school during that six-month period.

RELATED ARTICLE: Highest earnings ever: Bryant Class of 2023 breaks university record for starting salary

Below, five 2023 graduates across the College of Business, College of Arts and Sciences, and School of Health and Behavioral Sciences share more about their careers and how Bryant’s interdisciplinary education and experiential learning prepared them to succeed at companies including Dell Technologies and Uber.  


Alexandra Fluegel
Alexandra Fleugel '23.

"Bryant is results-focused," notes Alexandra Fluegel '23, currently a senior analyst, Global Data Quality, at Dell Technologies. As an international business major who concentrated in Global Supply Chain Management, Fluegel says that her coursework, including practicum courses where she worked with real companies to address real global challenges, gave her the grounding to excel in the workplace.   

"The professors encourage students to gain hands-on experience during their time here both inside the classroom and they make sure the classroom materials they teach relate to the real world," Fluegel says. "Those experiences prepared for my role at Dell and helped me increase how quickly I can grasp new concepts in the workplace."  


Jordan Smith
Jordan Smith '23.

From Smithfield, Rhode Island, to San Francisco, California, Jordan Smith ’23 — a native of South Africa — is now working for Uber as an actuarial analyst.  

“Every single trip and delivery that happens on the Uber platform has insurance and that comes at a cost. My team’s responsibility is to make sure that the insurance cost is accurately measured and reported. We provided the data to not only other actuarial teams but also to accounting, finance, and risk teams,” the Applied Mathematics and Statistics major says, highlighting that his Bryant professors reinforced his desire to pursue a career in the insurance industry. 


Grace Yost
Grace Yost '23.

Stepping into a new role, Grace Yost ’23 will be working as a marketing coordinator for a private school system in New Jersey; her focus is on driving engagement and awareness among families in school communities throughout the state.  

“Having the knowledge from the vigorous course load and group projects at Bryant has made me ready to take on different roles and responsibilities,” says Yost. “My communication degree has provided me with many skills that enable me to contribute innovative ideas and collaborate effectively with a diverse team.” 


Jake Williams
Jake Williams '23.

"I think one of the best parts of my Bryant education was I got a really good look at what the current financial world was really like." says Jake Williams '23 an investment analyst at John Hancock and the university's Recent Alumni Trustee. "You learn the technical skills you need to do the job, but you also learn about what it’s really like to be in that world before you graduate.  

At Bryant, Williams, a Finance major, was a portfolio manager for the university's student-run Archway Investment Fund, where he helped to steer a portfolio of more than $2 million, and a member of the Finance Association, which regularly brings in guest speakers from Bryant's alumni community and beyond to share advice and experience.  

"The experience you gain at Bryant goes beyond financial knowledge, though,” he notes. "Your Bryant education teaches you how to be a professional, how to work in groups, and how to present. When you graduate, you're miles beyond everybody else." 


Chelsea Tsalapatanis
Chelsea Tsalapatanis ’23.

For Chelsea Tsalapatanis ’23, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Business Administration has played a crucial role in her success as an intake coordinator and office manager for a private mental health practice in Connecticut. 

“During my first month, I was able to use my design thinking and Information Systems and Analytics skills to create a more efficient system for scheduling and matching clinicians and clients, which has significantly reduced the time it takes to accurately connect them,” says Tsalapatanis. “Bryant has prepared me for the real world not only academically, but professionally. They taught me how to hold myself in an interview, interact within a team, and stand up for what I believe in.” 

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